Monday, June 20, 2005


Originally uploaded by wethreedees.
It was cool last night when I walked from the Bounder to this cemetery up the road. Just past the big KOA campground. Past houses set back from the road, all green and shade front and back. Now, I sit sweating in the RAV. Do you detect a fondness in the way I must say "Bounder" and RAV? Or should I say "shelter" and "freedom"?

For now all I can say is sweat. Sitting here on the hot asphalt of the Holiday Inn parking lot. Outermost boundary. The signal still comes in strong here, and there's a nice breeze blowing in the window at times. And I do admit the sweat is in part from madly fumbling and opening windows, trying to figure out how to post pictures. So it seems I've just done it. I'm even blessed with some sun behind a cloud.

Last night's session was lovely at the Econo Lodge. Decent reception bringing in a bounty of wonderful emails. One contained a moving short story by Heath author Amy M-C. Another poetry by the Deerfield River poet, Margaret R. As we drove away, at sunset, an Indian woman in a beautiful red sari holding a young child, stood at the end of the driveway by the road, smiling. She and her two other children standing beside her smiled and waved as we passed. Then the woman, perhaps noticing the sweet blue glow of monitor on my face, suddenly pointed. I guess that ended our relationship with Econo Lodge.

So I'm here now at the Holiday Inn, computer in my lap. What a world. To sit on this slight rise facing Six Flags park roiling with rollercoasters, interstate to my right,groups of teenagers strolling by laughing and talking, and gas at the corner $2.09 today after rising to $2.14 during the weekend. Being in touch with those dear to me back home. Despite all these marvels, my battery is now showing 61% and although I am desperately in love with this laptop, it is heating my thighs to the extreme. Now to pull myself together to thread my way to Shnugs grocery store. That rap music coming from the car that just pulled in announced my departure.


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