Monday, July 04, 2005

Oh Boy.

Yes, I am in Oklahoma. How could we leave without something like this. The big storm. Thunderstorm warnings. Winds of 100mph in Ponca City. Coming this way. I should be in bed. Good times here. Supposed to leave here tomorrow morning after breakfast, heading north. Always hard to say goodbye to Dad, Jeanie, my other sister and brother and his family. But here I am, back against the wall, literally, plugged in, typing away. Sending emails and blogging this. And separated from Andre for the night, and he's in the Bounder.

I personally don't like cliff hangers. I've been known in my later years to look at the last pages of a book when trying to choose one. Such a violation of good readership feels strange, but there you have it—the new me.

But this cliff hanger thing, I guess that is what Life is, really. Why we think Heaven—final destination—with such persistence. The end of the unknown. Or another start of it. Back where I started. In my current cliff hanger. I leave it with you for tonight. I hear the wind behind me. Right now it doesn't seem fierce. But what they're saying on tv—ooh, here's a bigger burst, with some whistling, and again, longer. The adrenalin is rising. Here's the wind again. And it is damn strong...


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