Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The drift from the news is that there is snow—at least several feet—on the mountainous part of I-5 out from LA that we drove to get to St. Helena. Specifically, "The Grapevine" segment. Storm clouds were gathering over us as we climbed. When we parked in the foothills and spent the night at the truck stop, the mountains behind us were already highlighted with snow. Yesterday, in the high elevations, that road was closed.

Here, rain. Rain. RAIN. Insistent, not so gentle. Once with some hail. Jay said it doesn't thunder and lightning here. Or if so, he hasn't seen it. And everyone here is grateful for this rain. Usually, it's dry here. Throat-dry dry. According to my Western Massachusetts-born source.

I'm feeling happy for this chance to be in his home, his car, his life for these few days. We are missing Deb, though, and Deb can light up a room. We could use more light under these dark skies. She up and flew to Thailand for ten days with some other folks. I understand that Deb is a traveler, and I admire that in her.

Tomorrow should be sunny. They say. In a few days we will go to Davis, and stay in an RV park not too far away. For now, on this lazy afternoon, let it rain, let it pour.


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