Monday, February 02, 2009

P.S. Last night while we were at Frank's and Mary's having pre-game hot artichoke dip and chicken-creamcheese-pecan dip with crackers, we talked with Jeanie, who told us that the power (in her neighborhood) came back on Saturday. They had spent much of Sunday with Bob sawing up branches and Jeanie gathering them up. They will put them next to the street, and the town will pick them up and deal with them. With FEMA's help? They're not sure. People are coming in from Texas and asking around the neighborhoods if people want help. It's good to know things are getting better there.

I remember years ago when a tree came down in Mom and Dad's yard in Tulsa, they had to pay over $1000 to have it hauled away. It always felt so extreme, since lots of us in the Northeast are buying it!


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