Thursday, July 07, 2005

We see this

We see this
Originally uploaded by wethreedees.
Just beyond Hot Springs, a hip town full of beautiful sandstone buildings and a huge VA hospital, also made of sandstone early in the 20th century.

After we circle and take these pictures, after we have popcorn inside, we sit in our lawn chairs in front of the motorhome. The sun has set. The cool breeze blows. Andre holds Sam and talks about the clouds. Nothing exciting. Everything restful. And I tell him that the Lone Ranger was my favorite tv show for years. Our chance to love Indian and White Man equally. Although they weren't quite equal. One a hero, the other—part friend, part servant—whose history was not explored.

We slept with the door open. We slept well.

Now, more blue sky. Driving away to this coffeehouse today, I saw a small bird atop the sign. At the end of that tiny beak, backlit by the new sun, something fluttered. No worms for this bird. This morning's flag—a little mothwing. I pledge my allegiance to it all.


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