Tuesday, July 05, 2005

The comforter

The comforter
Originally uploaded by wethreedees.
For as long as I can remember, this has been in my life. Mom used to take a nap on the floor covered with it, or one almost like it. In my family, we love our cloth, our fabric, our clothes, our quilts. The pink feedsack shirt with the tiny hearts made and worn by my grandmother became mine after she died. I loved everything about it. When I was pregnant with Jay and on my way to eat maybe a hot dog, I fell and ripped it walking across the bridge into Turner's Falls. I took it in stride but was devastated, although it was getting thin anyway. I still have it.

Both my grandmothers sewed. One made women's hats and created her own patterns. The other made pillows and aprons, quilts and clothes, and gave feed sack cloth to my other grandmother, who made all kinds of things for us from them. Jeanie's and my matching Davy Crockett pleated skirts were prized long after they were outgrown.

My mother sewed. My sister sews. I sew. I don't know who made this comforter, but just seeing it is a comfort to me.


Blogger Susan said...

My sister, Ann, who is our major historian not only because she is oldest, but because she is alert and interested in everything, said:

I love that comforter, too! How will we decide who gets to comfort it next? By the way, I still have---and sometimes wear---a black and white striped blouse with clear plastic buttons that Grandma B. made. Grandma W. also made feedsack clothing, but I'm not sure if any for us. I know she made all of Uncle Joe's children's clothes before he struck it rich in the oilfields.

12:34 AM  

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